Draft Idea 3:
Draft 1:-
Cover line 1: This part of the front cover will be dedicated to advertising and promoting the double page spread in the magazine. By possibly giving pull quotes. This is in the ‘Elephant’ font because it is advertising my main article and this font successfully gives it as much advertisement as possible.
Cover line 2: This box will include a cover line using this font Bauhaus 93, this font is very eye catching and would help to draw the audience to my magazine. It will also include a small picture which introduces the feature.
Cover line 3: This will include information on additional articles my magazine has to offer. This is in Times new Roman because I want to clearly show what my cover lines are and this font successfully shows them in a simplistic way.
Pug: This area of the front cover could possibly include an incentive to the read the magazine, for e.g. competition or a poster offer. This is Bauhaus 93 because this is an eye catching font and would successfully draw a potential reader in.
Large picture: The whole page will follow the conventions of a music magazine and will have a large picture covering the whole page. It also advertises some of the main articles in the magazine.
Masthead: The masthead will be placed in the top left hand corner of my magazine to make it more eye catching and to make it differ from the normal convention of it stretching across the whole of the top of the page. It is in a wide Latin font because this helps to catch the reader’s eye.
Draft 2:-
Masthead: I have used an orange colour for my masthead in this draft because even though it doesn’t fit in with the grime genre specifically I believe it is very effective in catching the reader’s eye. I have also put some little circles adjacent to my masthead which I feel can only help in drawing in my target audience. The font is ‘Constantia’ because this font successfully catches the reader’s eye.
Cover line 1: This advertises the main article about JME; it would possibly include a pull quote from his interview and the page numbers on which the interview is. This in the font stencil because this cover line is trying to advertise my main article and this font helps to catch the readers eye and possibly entice them into reading my magazine because of the main article.
Main picture: This really is a tool to try and draw the readers in; it also helps to advertise the main article more and possibly increase the appeal of it. The pose of ‘JME’ in the picture could also appeal to my specific target audience because the way he dresses and the ‘swagger’ is something typical of someone interested in that type of music.
Cover line 2: These cover lines will list the less important articles, but also give them good advertisement because they are placed along the route of the eye. This is put in a Times new Roman font because these cover lines aren’t that important but I still believe this font helps to advertise my articles well.
Pug: This will include a competition offer or possibly an extra incentive to read the magazine. it is in the font ‘Bauhaus 93’ because the pug is offering reasons on why to read my magazine and I believe the font successfully maximises the importance of this pug.
Draft 3:-
Main picture: This is a picture of Wiley, this helps to advertise the main article and also catch the reader’s eye. The pose he is taking could also appeal to my specific target audience as this type of pose is typical of someone who is interested in or sings grime music.
Main headline: This is my magazine title ‘Grime Time’ with ‘Original’ written underneath it; the ‘Original’ word helps to emphasise how different the grime genre is to different music genres. The whole main headline is written in Wide Latin because this font is large and bold and would stand out on my front cover. The text ‘Grime time’ is written in an orange colour because this stands out on the page and clearly shows this is the title of my magazine.
Cover line 1: This is advertising the main article with Wiley, it is written in an ‘Elephant’ font, this is to catch the reader’s eye and ultimately make the article more appealing.
Cover line 2: This will show some of the other articles inside my magazine, this is written in an Arial black font because it stands out but also doesn’t over shadow my cover line 1.
Cover line 3: In this cover line there could be text like ‘Special awards edition’, this will help to give my magazine uniqueness to other magazines and make it more appealing. It will be written in a Stencil font because this will stand out on the page and draw the reader’s attention.
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